
Trump lost the election in 2020 to Biden

Oh, I hope not, most excellent kitten. Plus, "authoritarian" doesn't describe Trump. We don't see him, for example, trying to jail his political foes. Or circumventing the rule of law by attempting to go around Congress with executive orders.
Bush had in 2003 a great initial Response working with WHO & China STOPPING the spread of Coronavirus (8 people perished in USA & Canada) @Noflaps
@Noflaps Executive Orders with Trump were the most ever' in History . Trump also used Family members like Jared Kushnar in positions of his cabinet . EPA was run by an opponent of the EPA
It's not the sheer number of executive orders that matters. Many do things like declare a special day. No biggee.

It's what they do. They can be rather trivial or they can completely change things in a way that intrudes on the role of the Congress and gets set aside by court action later.

It's not the number that matters.

And as for Jared Kushner, we can only notice that the Middle East was much more peaceful while he was still working on it. How peaceful is it lately?
The people lost.

And the way you phrase it, you want the people to lose again.

Good job with priorities I suppose?
I'm not sure to whom you are speaking, @Alientcp. If it is to me, I certainly don't want "the people to lose again." To the contrary. I'd like to see the country turn out okay. How do you think things are going right now?

If you are speaking to somebody else, I doubt if they want people to lose, either. Most people have good intentions. We merely disagree sometimes about cause and effect, and about the best way to help. I don't question the motives of those who might disagree with me. It's a complicated world, and we all come to it with unique experience.
@Noflaps said in #66:
> I'm not sure to whom you are speaking, @Alientcp. If it is to me

Did I quoted you? No. Then I didnt talked to you.

Its a direct response to the opening statement.
Okay, great! Thanks for responding. Frankly, in the post to which I responded (#65) it wasn't clear to me that you were quoting anybody. Sometimes it's hard to tell whom is being addressed in a string of posts.
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Great Thank You all for your input ... With Bush 8 died in 2003 ... In 2019-2021 1 Million Americans died from Coronavirus as Trump pursued his Trade Deal With China instead of responding as Bush did in 2003

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