
I think my best game so far (2 Inaccracies, 3 Mistakes, 0 Blunders, 48 Average centipawn loss)

Good game, but you did not play the opening well. If on move 10 white decided to play either Nxa7 or Bxa7 you would have been down a pawn, and lagging behind in development.

After this move it appears that your opponent went into berserker mode, and launched an all out attack that was ultimately fruitless.
@Sipo 8...e5 makes your good bishop on g7 bad and leaves a hole at d5 and makes d6 weak
There were plenty of good moves: 8...Nc6, 8...Bd7, 8...Nxe4, 8...a6, 8...Ng4

@Gavin_Whittington Castling is almost always good, especially o-o. The king is safer than in the centre and it connects the rooks.
interesting but u misplayed the opening and perhaps delayed development to much all in all though good job

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