
Search "user:dboing"

5619 forum posts
Dboing's Musings - puzzle notes#12

old question. from puzzle set. i did not know of the concept word call x-ray attack. It seem a dynamic pattern I would have seen before (although maybe not as fast, as now I might add that to my fores…

Community Blog Discussions - The Axiom System - Part 4: Justification in Chess#41

so we dissect certain things but not others. how about dissecting the word principle? did all the posts and the author, talk about the same things. has there been dialogs that passed through each othe…

Dboing's Musings - Theory of learning. Axiomatic blog series.#4 questions about the diagram. some directed arrows are not motivated at first look of the diagram. means have to read. to interpret. …

Dboing's Musings - Theory of learning. Axiomatic blog series.#3

Axiom 1: > Improving at chess involves playing better moves, on average, over a large number of positions. Known and Unknown Positions Axiom 2: > Chess positions are either known or unknown. Axiom 3: …

Dboing's Musings - Theory of learning. Axiomatic blog series.#3

The Axiom System - Part 3: How Do We Make Decisions > In the previous article, I explored the idea of starting from scratch to develop a framework for understanding practical chess, anchoring our appr…

Dboing's Musings - Theory of learning. Axiomatic blog series.#1

"" "" …

Community Blog Discussions - The Axiom System - Part 4: Justification in Chess#37

moved to musing. for the rambling tolerant readers, pining to know what I might pop out.

Community Blog Discussions - The Axiom System - Part 4: Justification in Chess#30

fair enough.. I think one does not change perspective during a discusson. or even many. . And there is some value in sticking to it, until we feel like all our hunches are made communicable, with the …

Community Blog Discussions - The Axiom System - Part 4: Justification in Chess#27

I am not sure who of the blog or the discussion post above, is saying "it does not matter which of 2 plausible principle based paths are taken, as long as we stick to it". Well, if we are going the pr…

Community Blog Discussions - The Axiom System - Part 4: Justification in Chess#24

Reduction needs recombination (or superposition). And that is not the mere addition of the reduced isolated parts. SF classicla assumed linear combination for a long time, as the formula for hindsight…
