
Search "user:patzer420high"

17 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - DGT options (or Certabo)?#5

Thanks...very helpful! I don’t think the Certabo boards look hideous, but I’ve never seen them (or the DGT boards) in person!

General Chess Discussion - DGT options (or Certabo)?#1

I'd like to connect as physical board to lichess. I've read through discussions here and looked on the DGT site and am a bit confused by their options. I would like a combination that allows me to 1) …

Lichess Feedback - Correspondence Chess#4

I don't believe so, no. But other than simuls, I'm not sure what you are referring to by "other normal games."

Lichess Feedback - Correspondence Chess#2

This is an option. Go to one of your games and look below the board for the "auto switch" button.

Lichess Feedback - Need Help with site rules#9

If you couldn't move ANY of your pieces, then you experienced some kind of glitch. Given that 77 million games were played on lichess last year, it is unlikely to be a bug in the system but some kind …

Lichess Feedback - Need Help with site rules#5

The only piece you could put the other player in check with was your knight on e3. But you can't move that knight because if you did so, his black bishop on c5 could take your king. So that knight is …

General Chess Discussion - Takebacks#84

Hard to believe this thread hasn't achieved consensus.

General Chess Discussion - Conditional Moves in Correspondence?#5

I stopped using the app when the site became responsive, but I believe that is correct. I didn't realize the OP was talking about the app?

General Chess Discussion - Conditional Moves in Correspondence?#3

This is already a feature! Go to the analysis board, enter a conditional move or set of moves, and use the little item at the left of the board to add the conditional.

Lichess Feedback - Saving Game Behaviour Preferences#5

It seems to be working fine for me. After you change one of the options are you seeing the green "Your Preferences have been saved" confirmation at the bottom of the screen (that looks like this: http…
