
Honey Beez

The Bumblebee Defense

OpeningChess PersonalitiesChessStrategyTactics
A new American chess opening variant of the Bee Defense chess opening by honey beez

Bumblebee Defense is a new variant opening of The Bee Defense chess opening created by Honey Beez, the American mother, chess player and computer scientist or female computer hacker (ethical). This new opening is even more defensive than the original Bee Defense. In the Bee Defense, the King and Queen are married and she doesn't travel far from him if she wants to win the game. I build a hive around my King with pieces and inside the hive we await our opponent's attack. In The Bumblebee Defense the new modification is keeping the non fianchetto bishop held back instead of kicking it out right in the beginning as in the Bee Defense opening strategy. I have updated my lichess study to include the new variant opening.

i created its own study here:

I have also written a short book explaing The Bumblebee Defense which should be avilable on Amazon soon.

Buzz Buzz
Honey Beez