
Chess should abolish the draw by repetition

If you look at my last game you can see why I'm upset. Clearly had the winning hand but the opponent (albeit luckily) was able to find a pattern that would force a draw.

It reminds me of the first time I played Mortal Kombat. I didn't know wtf I was doing, so I just pressed a bunch of buttons hoping it would land a kick.

This is a great analogy for the underdog draw by repetition, a strategy that is senseless, without logic, and must be abolished by chess players around the world, should we wish to maintain integrity within the game itself.
Or, you could be cognizant and avoid repetition when you are winning.
You talk about maintaining integrity in the game, meaning I guess that the player who achieves a totally winning position should be entitled to a win there and then. But it doesn't work that way, the player who is winning must still be careful, and that's one of the things which make the game so interesting.
the rule exists because whitout it the game will never ends (in cases you can't avoid the repetition)
you can't argue that it is necessary
@TheLyinKing said in #1:
> This is a great analogy

no, it's more like in uno when you play the reverse card and manage to turn the fortune through smart strategy.

wow, glbert, what a great analogy! you are such a genius, glbert.

no, glbert, it's a tired meme. it's terrible and boring. why don't you just keep silent if you don't have anything to contribute to the topic.
You are one of the many beginners who, after failing to win a winning position, instead of blaming themselves, blamed it on the rules of the game. If you stick around long enough and get better, you won't be able to look back on this thread without face-palming yourself.
1) yes I'm a beginner never meant to imply I'm not lol

2) I don't care I still think it's a lame strategy

Imo, if you have to draw to avoid losing, you might as well just resign then.
@TheLyinKing said in #8:
> Imo, if you have to draw to avoid losing, you might as well just resign then.

Who wants to resign when he can force a draw? No one, right?

No one has ever drawn a game by resigning. (Yes I know, but in this case its about drawing, not winning.)
Chess should definitely abolish the draw by repetition. I'm looking forward to playing 300 moves in dead drawn positions.

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