
i got banned from tournaments

i got banned from tournaments how do i get unbanned
10 moves ower sec engine?-600 moves ower 1 minute
i got banned because i was cheating lol but i wont do it again
We know. :) Then please make a new account. We do not revoke cheater marks. And don't cheat again, alright?
Good work guys, everyone who uses engines shall be banned forever to get any rated game and be mark as well so everybody knows it cleary. Cheers
I once again just want to echo that I greatly approve of the Lichess policy against cheaters. Labeled, banned, good riddance.
Agreed, cheating is bad enough but cheating in a Classical Tournament is even worse. It seems that Online Classical can only be played with people of trust. For all else, the risk of being cheated on is too great.

Chad0 should be IP banned.
This thread will only devolve into insults, so I think it has served its purpose. Remember guys, call out cheating but also give a chance to rehabilitate. You must eventually forgive or we will never move forward.

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