
Vienna gambit counter

So... I have recently learned the Vienna gambit and have used it on some of my opponents.the problem is... my opponent plays Ng4 and then forks my queen and rook,leaving me at a disadvantage

How do I counter this move??
can you give the link to one of your games?
I'm guessing it's one like this.

At least in this position, when they play Ng4, you can play d4, stopping the bishop from hitting the f2 square and consequently stopping the fork.
You are playing the first 2 moves of the Kings Gambit. The Vienna is e4, Nc3 then f4.
KG: 1. e4 2. f4.
Vienna: 1.e4. 2.Nc3 3. f4.
Look up some games to get an idea of how to play it. It's idea is to get to a favorable KG position for white.

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