
Which is the best martial art and why?

As someone who actually does taekwondo I don't know that I'd say there IS a best martial art.

It depends on what you want out of it, what your goals are, etc.

Someone seeking to learn self defense will probably want to study a different art than someone looking to have fun, get fit and compete once in a while.

And honestly as far as self defense goes, most martial arts instructors will tell you to not get into a fight unless you have to, run away if you can (not in some hurr-durr-the-art-is-deadly way but just b/c it's not a wise idea to get in a fight).
@Makropoulos said in #34:
> Common Lisp because of complete mental superiority.
Common lisp (thousands of basic instruction iirc) betrays the spirit of simplicity and elegance of the original McCarthy lisp with its bare 8 or 9 instructions.
Scheme is much closer to the genuine thing.

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