
fun stats for the Bundesliga 1 competition 2023

@realcyberbird said in #10:
> I think I understand your comment..
> The top 3 does NOT show the 3 highest scores but it shows PER time control the highest score.
> Apparently this is not clear enough. I will rephrase to make this more clearer!
Oh ok, Thanks
@mvhk said in #13:
> Do we have a view about how the popularity of the Bundesliga is evolving over the years?
> Are there any plans to make the Bundesliga more popular as today 0,5% of all active Lichessplayers (around 1 Million !?) are participating?
> How many titled players participate regularly at the Bundesliga?
Every Bundesliga tournament has some info. The link `WWW` leads to which shows the popularity of the Bundesliga (#players).
I do no not know about any plans for further popularising the Bundesliga.
You might want to ask the creator @jeffforever. I am "just" a participator in the Bundesliga and writing a blog on it ;)