
Pieces not moving on analysis board

Often, but not always, when I try and make an alternative move, the squares just turn blue, but the pieces won't move there.

It just started today.

Anyone else have this?
I don't have exactly this, but lately when going through moves on the analysis board, everything is very very laggy and jerky.

You hit an arrow key to go the next move in a variation and nothing seems to happen for some time, then the board flashes and the move happens. Same thing repeats for every move as you continue on.

Everything else in lichess seems to be normal, and no problem making moves while playing game.

I'm on latest Firefox (42.0) and Windows 7.
Lupy, I'm experiencing the same thing. The local analysis worked perfectly for me before a few days ago, and now it's quite buggy in the way you described. I'm using Chrome (46.0) on OS X.

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