
1750 0-1

I scored a perfect 5/5 for the first time in a local tournament!

My opposition was

1. 1300 W 1-0 Kings Indian 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. Nf3 O-O
5. Bg5 d6 6. e3... and so on.

2. 750 B 0-1 game below
3. 1300 W 1-0 Exchange Ruy (delayed exchange)
4. 1500 W 1-0 QGD
5. 1700 B 0-1 game below

Ratings are approx in USCF. It was not a USCF rated tournament since my town has no TD. Just a local round robin event held every couple months. Besides weekly casual events.

My toughest game ended for my opponent in the opening since I had deeply prepared a small trick and it worked. I knew the endgame would favor me a lot so it was easy to go for.

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Nf6 4. d4 exd4
5. O-O Nxe4 6. Re1 d5 7. Bxd5 Qxd5 8. Nc3 Qh5
9. Nxe4 Be6 10. Bg5 h6 11. Bf6 Qg6 12. Nh4 Qh7
13. Qh5 Kd7 14. Rad1 Re8 15. c4 Kc8 16. Bxd4 Bb4
17. Bc3 Be7 18. Qb5 a6 19. Qb3 Bxh4 20. Nc5 Bxf2+
21. Kxf2 Qf5+ 22. Kg1 Qxc5+ 23. Kh1 Bd7 24. Rxe8+ Rxe8
25. Bxg7 Qb4 26. Qxb4 Nxb4 27. Bxh6 Nxa2 28. h4 Re4
29. Bg5 Rxc4 30. Re1 Be6 31. Re2 Nc1 32. Rd2 Bd7
33. h5 Rc5 resigns since I win the h pawn.

I have had the same opening as black a lot against him and quickly learned Bxc4 is not an ideal capture. I had taken it before leading to draws. A week ago monday I played a bit of a trick hoping he would play this way in the opening. I already had 5 hours of study in the opening after 14. Re8. But I intentionally drew the game with Bxc4. :D My little trick was I knew he was going to go for the checkmate hanging a knight. But OTB I calculated I could take it before I was not daring enough to go after it but since the engine says I can take it I took it!!

My only real error of the game was not playing Bxc4 at move 24.

My prep as white was normal QGD Tarrasch and a catalan if he played Nf6 so nothing I needed to worry about since all those are my normal otb go to tools as white. I don't play the ruy against him since he plays the marshall or plays some random d5 and its harder to prepare for that. Also I don't like being on the receiving end of a marshall.

One last thing I would like to mention was my game against the 700. I decided to upload it for comical reasons.

1. e4 h6 2. Nf3 a6 3. Bd3 d5 4. exd5 Nf6
5. c4 g5 6. O-O c6 7. b3 cxd5 8. cxd5 Nxd5
9. Na3 Bg7 10. Rb1 Nc6 11. Bb2 O-O 12. Qe2 Nf4
13. Qe4 Nxd3 14. Rfe1 Nxe1 15. Qxe1 Bxb2 16. Rxb2 Re8
17. Rb1 Rf8 18. Nc2 Qd7 19. Ne5 Nxe5 20. Qxe5 Qxd2
21. Rb2 Qc1+ 22. Ne1 f6 23. Qe3 Qxb2 24. a4 Qb1
25. a5 Bh3 26. Qxh3 Qxe1# 1-0
@Tangelo777 Rapid time control 30+5. It was changed from 30+2.

I might upload one of the others but it really is nothing special. My opponents cracked early and got mated with a fairly obvious greek gift sack. The exchange ruy went into an endgame and I was 3 pawns up. We traded "everything" then he hung pawns.
@noob2chess perhaps you need to find a stronger chess club. There are probably many chess clubs in your area. You should play in the strongest one. Also try playing in rated tournaments by fide and your chess federation (not a casual and club rated tournaments).
There are no clubs near me within 300 miles. I live in the most rural part of the United States. Only place I get to play is our local library. And when I travel for tournaments every couple of months. But it gets expensive. I am going to a tournament the end of this month but it costs a lot. 200 dollars for entry. 350 for hotel. 350 for flight and another 100 dollars for other expenses. The 1700 I play use to be a 2000 but has not played in a couple of years.
I have beaten him in rated games before. We got pared in a tournament in Santa Rosa a couple months ago.
@noob2chess #8
There's easy solutions to almost everything.
Move to the French country side, excellent Lichess ping time, good red wine, strong chess players, genuine french fries :-)

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