
Server disconnection

Hey all, so today I was playing a match, when suddenly the Lichess servers disconnected(?)
I was able to visit any other page, except for the Lichess site...
Which is why I'm thinking its the server's that disconnected.
So after a few minutes of waiting I finally was able to reconnect, and discovered that I had only 45 seconds left, and my opponent still had his full 10 minutes on the clock...
He wouldn't agree to a draw or give me extra time, which I understand,
but this caused me to lose my game, and 50 rating points with it...
I'm not sure if there's anything I can do to prevent this from happening again?
Has anyone else had this happen to them?
Yep. I also lost many matches because of server disconnection. Developers should look into the matter.
The hosting company put the server offline for 10 minutes, nothing I can do about it.
youre clearly to blame thibault. its your fault the server was doing maintenance.


i think youre great.
For everybody information, our hosting company, OVH, offers a S.L.A. of 99.95%.

It means that the server can be offline 0.05% of the time, even if lichess itself is running perfectly.
It's the best we can get, but it amounts to 4 and a half hours per year.

So yeah, like on every other website, downtime is inevitable.

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