
Berserk Rating Changes

When berserking in a tournament, you lose the same amount of rating points as if it was a normal match, how about instead of losing the full amount, you just lose half?
This is because when berserking, yes you do gain an extra point in the tourney, but you tend to berserk against lower-rated opponents than yourself, and if you lose due to the time limit and its added pressure, you still lose the full amount of points
No risk, no fun! Imho it is o.k. how it is implemented now. If you think you are much better than your opponent and feel the need to berserk, you have to bear the consequences when losing.
Nothing about berserking makes it any different than to a regular rated game. It's a handicap you impose to yourself to try to gain an edge in the tournament, get good with it and you won't have to worry about rating loss.
#1 That's an interesting suggestion (that a win, loss, or draw not affect your rating as much) however I'm worried this may cause players wanting to increase their ratings to choose to "berserk" against higher-rated opponents.

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