
Hyper-accelerated dragon for white.

Hi all, I've been extensively studying the opening: 1. e4 c5 2. any move from white and g6 for black. If anyone 2000+ wants to help me practice these positions, (willing to play e4 for white) please message me.
Everyone above 2000 should know what the hyper-accelerated dragon is. But hopefully you don't play g6 after following moves:
c3, d4, b4, f4...

I am generally good at openings but of course not even nearly at the 2000, so you can write me if you won't find someone strong to play with for free.
Hah I was surprised when I found this out myself, but the book I read for openings actually recommends 2. g6 after c3. I myself play the Alapin as my main variation against the sicilian, and feel quite relieved when my opponents play g6 on move 2 with black but apparently there are some good not widely known systems after g6 as I've recently learned.
2. g6 is my go-to as HyperDrag tends to lead to very positional games with a good chance of tactical ideas should someone not be careful.

I welcome c3 without hesitation because of the thematic d5 push.

Freindly Greetings,

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