
Why clinics in England stopped using puberty blockers on children.

Children should never be submitted to irreversible mutilating medical procedures. Such things didn't even exist 15 years ago. It is all the result of heavy propaganda propagated by small minorities. Breast and reproductive organs never go back. Masculine voices don't turn back feminine voices again. Long term consequences of puberty blockers besides sterilizing the person are not known.
@colin20g said in #11:
> Children should never be submitted to irreversible mutilating medical procedures. Such things didn't even exist 15 years ago. It is all the result of heavy propaganda propagated by small minorities. Breast and reproductive organs never go back. Masculine voices don't turn back feminine voices again. Long term consequences of puberty blockers besides sterilizing the person are not known.
Mods? Can we ban this Tr*mp supporter for hate speech?
people are literally dying because of Christian nazis like you.
@Aonrathon I think you're overdoing it, to the point that maybe you're not even sincere...
Anyways do you have any refutation to any of the points I made, instead of whining?

PS: I'm not a Trump supporter since I'm not American and support only potential presidents of my country (although I think Mr Trump has been doing wonders during his mandate but unfortunately his work has been misrepresented and misunderstood mostly).
@AsDaGo said in #6:
> But not choosing to have a woman's body might mean choosing to have a man's body and vice versa. If they are denied the choice they want, it seems much more likely to me that they regret it later then if they were given the choice they want.

at 13 you already have the sex organs of either sex, you didnt choose squat and you cannot reverse it.
Puberty blockers negate the proper development of that body, and the person will have to live the rest of their life in the worst possible version of that body and they are going to hate it anyway. Might as well be physically healthy at least.
I didn't realize lichess is a site for right-wing Christian bigots to coordinate their hatespeech talking points against transfolx.

PRIDE will prevail. You will admit you are nationalist traditionalists and face the fury of the marginalized and oppressed.
@Alientcp said in #14:
> at 13 you already have the sex organs of either sex, you didnt choose squat and you cannot reverse it.
> Puberty blockers negate the proper development of that body, and the person will have to live the rest of their life in the worst possible version of that body and they are going to hate it anyway. Might as well be physically healthy at least.

Why do you think puberty blockers even exist in the first place? They weren't created to turn kids trans, they were created to deal with the fallout of the many ways XX and XY genes express sexual phenotypes on kids as they develop. Leave medicine to the doctors, and stop trying to legislate surgeries and medical procedures.
@Sleepy_Gary said in #16:
> Why do you think puberty blockers even exist in the first place?
They were a medical solution to treat precocious puberty, which are rare cases, to postpone it, and in some cases, to inhibit it.

>they were created to deal with the fallout of the many ways XX and XY genes express sexual phenotypes.
A person is no less than other of the same sex for having small breast, or being tall, or the tone of the voice.

Their reproductive organs are already there. Puberty blockers are not going to make them dissapear and make the opposite one grow in their place.

In any case, they prevent further healthy development of the whole body, sex organs included, which may result in sterilization. Which has been one of the primary uses of the drugs, to chemically sterilize people. Thats why they have been banned in some countries, and they are heavily regulated in another ones.

It is a treatment attempting against the good health of the patient, and governments and organizations are telling that you shouldnt do it for the same reason.
I mean, at the end of the day, the person receiving the treatment decides to use it or not, but you are making a disservice to that person if you advice to take them and the treatment wont make them change sex, they will just be an inferior version of the sex they are. It is a treatment against their own physical health, well being and development.
@Alientcp said in #17:
> They were a medical solution to treat precocious puberty, which are rare cases, to postpone it, and in some cases, to inhibit it.
> A person is no less than other of the same sex for having small breast, or being tall, or the tone of the voice.
> Their reproductive organs are already there. Puberty blockers are not going to make them dissapear and make the opposite one grow in their place.
> In any case, they prevent further healthy development of the whole body, sex organs included, which may result in sterilization. Which has been one of the primary uses of the drugs, to chemically sterilize people. Thats why they have been banned in some countries, and they are heavily regulated in another ones.
> It is a treatment attempting against the good health of the patient, and governments and organizations are telling that you shouldnt do it for the same reason.
> I mean, at the end of the day, the person receiving the treatment decides to use it or not, but you are making a disservice to that person if you advice to take them and the treatment wont make them change sex, they will just be an inferior version of the sex they are. It is a treatment against their own physical health, well being and development.

Are you an endocrinologist? If not, your opinion on this matter means fuckall. I will trust an endocrinologist on whether an 8 year old girl going through puberty is more destructive than the side effects, which seem to be entirely reversible based on my limited understanding of these drugs. Legislators trying to control the accepted and accredited medical procedures of doctors over some bullshit culture wars is fucking absurd.
@Sleepy_Gary said in #18:
> which seem to be entirely reversible based on my limited understanding of these drugs.

So, you can have an opinion without being an endocrinologist, but I cant because its an opposite opinion.
Pat youself on your back for having an amazing logic.
My opinion on the medical side, as I tried to convey by saying I have limited knowledge, is worthless, as I am not an endocrinologist. I guess you might have missed that during your spouting off over the culture war bullshit whatever media you consume tells you to care about.

@Alientcp said in #19:
> So, you can have an opinion without being an endocrinologist, but I cant because its an opposite opinion.
> Pat youself on your back for having an amazing logic.

Please quote where I said that. I just said your opinion is worthless, not that you can't have one. Opinions are like assholes, just not like the assholes who try and legislate medical procedures based on their fascist and theocratic world views.

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