
Add more detailed game review

I really think the game review in lichess is very bland. It only shows mistakes,blunders and inaccuracies. It should give feedback on the game like the "The game was positional and a tiny mistake let the white/black seize the advantage". It should also tell us at what strength we played the game at like does. Lastly it should recommend the puzzles
according to the playstyle of the player. I know it sounds quite alot but I believe it is possible due to our talented community.
Last but not least I basically want chesscom to become full free or in alternative have a free site copy paste chesscom features so I can use them for free. Which is totally legal.

Also lol:

> It should give feedback on the game like the "The game was positional and a tiny mistake let the white/black seize the advantage".

You clearly don't realize how random that is. It's obviously part of a standard set of pre-written sentences which are shared in the review and that have little if not nothing to do with the game. Not to mention that it doesn't really add anything to the analysis.

> It should also tell us at what strength we played the game at like does.

I am so tired of fighting this stupid argument so I will just say that what you see is not what you're supposed to see because the numbers are intentionally inflated based on your rating on the site. Have a tour in chesscom faqs about game analysis.
@FreedBeast219 said in #1:
> It should give feedback on the game like the "The game was positional and a tiny mistake let the white/black seize the advantage". It should also tell us at what strength we played the game at like does.
Do you have a proposal for how those things should be calculated?
One of my recent games said:
10 inaccuracies
3 mistakes
4 blunders
71 Average centipawn loss
79% Accuracy

If both you and your opponent played accurately, does that make the game positional?
It was a comparison as is the only trusted chess website. I also just said what I would like to see and not they should add. Lastly by positional play I mean was the game a grind or a tactical shot. The game lost was due to bad positional decision( over extention of pawns ) or a missed tactic( fork,pin or miscalculation ). Hope this clears the air and I dont have a calculation.
I may not know how clearly I know but I understand what you meant and I shall take care of it in future. I just realised you cant copy them due to legal issues LOL.
I dunno, seems trustworthy...

A game with many blunders probably isn't positional. I don't see what adding the word "positional" next to "0 blunders" does for anyone...

Unless there is a business process patent or trade secret, ideas can be copied. But we don't copy bad ideas.
I find the game analyses vastly superficial and annoying. They ́re just another means of persuading people to part with their money for a Premium account. If you ́re only getting one analysis a day, they seem exciting and desirable; once you ́ve splashed out on Diamond or whatever they become annoying. And anyway: the more detail there is in an automatic analysis, the less you tend to think for yourself, you basically forget the information you ́ve received instantly. No replacement for independent analysis, which you then check after completion with the engine.
@FreedBeast219 said in #1:
> I really think the game review in lichess is very bland. It only shows mistakes,blunders and inaccuracies. It should give feedback on the game like the "The game was positional and a tiny mistake let the white/black seize the advantage". It should also tell us at what strength we played the game at like does. Lastly it should recommend the puzzles
> according to the playstyle of the player. I know it sounds quite alot but I believe it is possible due to our talented community.

sure if you can find a way for the computer to analyze the game and give meaningful responses also if you can please share the code here or on github

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