
Unfairly considered a loser, due to a time error.

In my last game, I was considered the loser. I waited 15 minutes for my opponent's move. But in the end it turned out that I ran out of time. Although the seconds were at the opponent. I wrote a lot of messages during the game in the chat. There was no answer. I was unfairly considered a loser. How to fix it?
How do you know it's restarting?
if we already played?
Hello, the same has just happened to me:

I have just played a 30+20 game against DDL1234. After fewer than 10 minutes he/she just let the clock run down to zero. During this period a message appeared on screen to say that he/she had left the game and that I could claim a victory. I clicked on this button a few times but nothing happened and the option disappeared from the screen. I waited until his clock ran down to zero but no result was given on the screen. As something seemed amiss I took a screenshot. I then checked my profile and found that victory had been awarded to my opponent! I would be very grateful if you would rectify this.

Kind regards,
Geoff Stewart (Stewart500).
@Adakhaan said in #3:
> How do you know it's restarting?
> if we already played?

A notification pops up on the bottom left of your screen around half an hour before the restart... you'll have to see to it...

What is this? can you describe a little more?
I too had one game quite similar to what has been described - I lost because of lag on my end, while it seemed like my opponent let the time run out in a won position. So I guess that's it (and no, you probably won't get back the rating points).

Anyway, I will just ask it here: Has anyone lately experienced lag when playing a game? Like more than usual - especially at the end of a game, when you mate/ get mated/ resign/ time-out. I have and wonder now, if it has something to do with my side (very likely that is) or if it is perceived by others as well (maybe because of an all time high of new players logging in?). Either way, please let me know.

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