

I've been looking for a graphic of a chess board with each square notated ( 'f6' written into the f6 square, 'c7' written in to the c7 square ) the problem is i want this from BLACKS POINT OF VIEW. NOT whites ( which is easy to find ) . I need this for playing blindfolded games against someone with little experience.. to help them see which square is which, when looking from blacks point of view, if someones could find this or make it i would be very grateful thanks a lot!! :) :)
Use some post it and make it yourself haha
Or better? Why don't your friend learn it? It's much easier than getting the technique for blind games
Well, I don't have much time, but if I come across something like that, I'll try my best to remember to let you know. :)
I would find it distracting. As a player with a rating of 1900 here on LiChess I doubt you need that. Also I don't see a point.
@lovlas This is truly amazing, I propose that from now on this should be the standard board on this site

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