
I would like to file a complaint

Apparently I've been marked as a cheater, and in all honesty this is 100% wrong! I would like to speak with an admin please, this is a 100% incorrect claim someone put on me. I am very disappointed... even look through all my games. Not one of them resembles a chess engine play.
I believe you. Any sore loser can accuse someone of cheating and get your account flagged. It's really a shame.
pguardiario, the second half of your statement is 100% false. While yes, anyone can report, no that doesn't get you flagged. The reports are reviewed by mods, who have access to a large amount of data.

Generally the only case of non-cheaters being flagged has to do with the sensitivity of the automatic cheat detection system. There have been rare cases in which it flags someone for cheating because they are setting it off; this usually happens when users complete a lot of games that match entirely with the engine due to the fact they aren't getting far enough into the game to get out of modern, engine-influenced theory. In those rare cases, every user that has appealed has had their mark removed. Only a few have had the mark returned after the mods determined conclusively that they were cheats.

I'm beginning to think pguardiario is just a sore cheater who got caught and came back with a new account to troll about lichess cheating, especially with comments such as "there are no actual cheaters on lichess" and this one.
Looking at some of Think-Chess's recent rated games he does seem to have plenty of inaccuracies, mistakes and blunders. If he was actually cheating he's been very clever about hiding it.
Well, I should report you then, so that you'll be auto-flagged since that's how you think it works. Let me know when you get your mark. I'll be moving on with life because I don't expect to ever receive that contact, because it won't happen, because that's not how it works. Any tart could look at your games and tell you aren't cheating.

That doesn't mean that you aren't sore from having been caught in the past and just don't do it now. No way to tell. It was just a theory due to your constant aggressive attitude toward the very rare reality that sometimes non-cheaters get a false-positive.

If his games are filled with errors as #5 says, then the liklihood that OP is actually cheating is higher because it would likely have been a mod flag, meaning a thorough review of a report provided conclusive evidence. There's definitely some suspect games where his move times are all like 1-4 seconds yet no blunders and ACL just above 20, in a tournament no less so it probably generated enough reports that one of the mods saw something worth marking. Again, remember that no one has access to all the data and tools the mods have, but they can still potentially make a mistake so Think will just have to wait it out for a bit.
How am I being aggressive? I'm just saying that there's a problem with false flagging players and I think it explains why there's no strong players on the classical leaderboard.
If you said "I think there's a problem with false flagging players" that wouldn't be aggressive. But you say things like "well any idiot can file a report and then you're flagged" or "there's no cheaters on lichess" as if to say every single marked cheater was in error. These are attacks against the lichess moderators, basically saying they are a bunch of overreactionary, fickle bullies who will mark anyone for whatever reason they feel like. It is just not the case, and so I can only assume that you have a vendetta for some reason. You said in one post that a friend of yours was marked, so it seems like you are still angry about that and it comes off in the aggressive tone of your posts.

As for the lack of strong players in classical, it's likely because it's a smaller pool of players, there are less overall games because the time control is longer, and the majority of the masters that play here (including the site's awarded honorary LM titles) generally play blitz, bullet, or some variant and don't play classical. They have plenty of reasons not to play classical, among them being there's a higher percentage of cheaters in the longer time controls and they don't want to be cheated. Another reason is that they are playing long otb games all the time, so they come here to relax for some fun and fast aggressive coffee-break chess. If every one of those IMs started playing in classical tournaments daily, you'd eventually see the top tier ratings rise like in the other pools.
Calling him an "idiot" would be aggressive, but "sore loser" is just being accurate. And the other player who got flagged wasn't my friend and I'm not angry about anything.

But I still haven't seen any evidence that cheating is happening, only that the cheat-detection is causing unnecessary problems.

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