
Search "user:gilligan841"

198 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Is cheating for losers?#5

Nope, cheating is not for losers; ask Donald Trump who has become President of the United States!

General Chess Discussion - Tournament prep#4

The ultimate action before doing each move, ask yourself "Is this move safe?"; if everything is surely OK, then move. Remember, before each move. Remember, before each move. Will you remember; even wh…

General Chess Discussion - Related to

Are you a premium member? That could explain why you play like a genius in their eyes. ;)

General Chess Discussion - Why does white move first?#10

If you want to break the rules and start as black, find a fellow that will accept to play like this on Lichess and, then, play the Knights until you can play black first. It means that the Knights wil…

General Chess Discussion - Hypocrites and hyperbullet#7

The worst are the hysterical playing hyperbullet; same hyper reaction wheather they win or lose.

General Chess Discussion - My first OTB tournament#10

An update. My first OTB went very well. My objectives were to live this experience and have fun and I had. It was a 90 minutes + 30 sec. per move. 2.5/5. My first opponent won the tournament and I lea…

General Chess Discussion - why are you all here?#7

Basically free unlimited puzzles and analysis on Lichess. Lichess is a non-profit organization. I found videos on YouTube more useful than those on where you have to pay if one wants to stud…

Off-Topic Discussion - Have you ever had any ( for lack of a better term) occult experiences#8

I was playing in a small Rock band in the '70. The group ended 4 years later when we finished our school and entered the work market. However, I remained close to Denis, the keyboard guy; we could say…

Lichess Feedback - Analysis is freezing on Android tablet#1

Could you fix that? The problem happens either with the Android application or the one on Chrome while using my Samsung tablet. Thanks

Off-Topic Discussion - Convert me#38

If you can, have a look at this wonderful serie on Netflix: Then, one can ask himself what is behind the creation of the universe from the Nothingness;…
