
Search "user:killerchewy"

78 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Disappointed#1

I just wanted to express a level of frustration - as a frequent user of the site. And why tonight was very embarrassing. I've noticed, a lot of disconnection issues on the site recently. The site has …

Lichess Feedback - Lost Rating Points#1

I've lost count of the number of rating points I've lost now, because your site shuts down in the middle of my games. Whats going on?

General Chess Discussion - Naka Incident- candidates#18


General Chess Discussion - Beating an International Master#8

Lol morning coffee, not a good opening showing by me.

General Chess Discussion - Beating an International Master#7

@#5, yes I saw that it was trapped And interesting good to know. Wont take credit for the 0 0 then. Nice scalp to have though!

General Chess Discussion - A chess coach for beginners#10

1. I do teach professionally, just not chess, I'm actually heavily involved in education. I run a full business. 2. You need to learn how to type professionally if you are going to get students. Becau…

General Chess Discussion - Beating an International Master#3

2 things: 1. If I go along with your point, that means I beat an IM in bullet, which is still more impressive than beating a lower rated player. 2. Although I see what you're saying, I dont really agr…

General Chess Discussion - Beating an International Master#1

I'm pretty proud of this game, because I beat an IM with 0 mistakes and 0 blunders. He for sure outplayed me in the opening though, you can look at the computer analysis. Its a pretty telling graph, h…

General Chess Discussion - A chess coach for beginners#7

Ok, lets just get this out of the way: There's a huge problem with your proposal: Which is that there ARE titled players / GM's / Highranking players who teach beginners, similar to the ones who are s…

General Chess Discussion - Disconnections#1

Its actually been that every single time I've logged on, this site has disconnected / shut down. Thats a pretty bad statistic. So whats going on? Open to hear an explanation just want to be filled in.
