
Search "user:KMcGeoch"

43 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Is cheating for losers?#7

Any achievements only have value if it's difficult to achieve. If it was obtained via cheating then the achievement would be hollow since while you can deceive others you can't deceive yourself. If an…

Community Blog Discussions - Cheating: Trust and Traitors in Chess#12

Metrics selected by Kramnik are junk in statistical terms. Just to give an example if playing an endgame where I play as white and have a lone king on h1. My opponent has a dark squared bishop and a k…

Community Blog Discussions - Cheating: Trust and Traitors in Chess#3

As far as the concept of the suspicion threshold and suspicion of cheating resulting in poor play I've come up with an approach that works well for me. I believe that when dealing with frustration reg…

General Chess Discussion - I am starting a chess federation at my school and need Ideas#4

It's actually possible that he does want to start a Chess Federation. The OP according to their flag is from North Korea and currently there is no North Korean Federation associated with FIDE. You wou…

General Chess Discussion - 1.b3 or 1.g3?#24

1.g3 is a lot better than 1.b3 for the simple reason that 1.c4 2.g3 is a very common English line while 1.d4 2.g3 will likely lead to a Catalan. In addition you can even play 1.g3 2.Nf3 that could als…

General Chess Discussion - Is the WCM Title Some Sort of Joke?#8

Arena Candidate Master (ACM) is achieved by a series of 150 bullet games, 100 blitz games or 50 rapid games with a performance rating of over 1100. As of January 2020 there were 382 ACMs. If being cyn…

General Chess Discussion - Why can't I play on the same level as my puzzle rating?#6

It's normal for your chess and puzzle ratings to be different since they measure different things. Puzzles are very useful for help with improving calculation and tactical ability. However even if the…

General Chess Discussion - How Can I Patent a Chess Opening#11

A patent can only be filed by the original inventor and if it was used before them then it's in the public domain. So to prove that he's the inventor he has to demonstrate when he first played it and …

General Chess Discussion - Who is winning this game - white or black#6

OP is living quite dangerously since he's asking for people's opinion of a game in progress. Generally if wanting opinions on a position it's best to wait until game is completed so opponent doesn't f…

General Chess Discussion - Double forfeit at the Blitz Wch#4

It's an example of match fixing so arbiter is right to award the double default. In practice there are many GM draws that go unpunished but issue is that in a case like this it's so blatant that there…
