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Lichess Feedback - do not they add me to the list of streamers#16

@thibault I did not see this rule that it's impossible. Sorry that I put my idol on the avatar. Now I even smeared my face.

Lichess Feedback - do not they add me to the list of streamers#9

@AcademicNinja99 Thank you for responding to someone else's trouble and did not remain indifferent. As you can see from the answers of other people, They don't like me.

Lichess Feedback - do not they add me to the list of streamers#7

@lifsitch thanks for true. now I know.

Lichess Feedback - do not they add me to the list of streamers#5

@AcademicNinja99 Yeah. I have it written like this "Your stream is being reviewed by moderators, and will soon be listed on lichess streamers list." Thanks for answer.

Lichess Feedback - do not they add me to the list of streamers#1

Why do not they add me to the list of streamers for 2 days already? Because I'm Russian or a girl?
