
Search "user:VeganEgg"

7 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - New search features#1

Hi, I was thinking about how you could learn about positions with a new search detail. Could it be easier to learn positions by searching for games (in the database) with let's say "have 3 pawns again…

Lichess Feedback - Engine doesn't work on phone properly#1

If I analyse games with the app on my phone (FP3) the "Stockfish engine" most of the times doesn't even analyse the position or it's not shown that it does. And if it does it doesn't show the best mov…

Lichess Feedback - After solving and analyzing a puzzle app doesn't load next puzzle most of the time#4

Still this happens a lot and the engine most of the times doesn't work while going through puzzles.

Lichess Feedback - This is not a Puzzle Storm Puzzle at an early stage!#3

lol did you look at the puzzle? or do you know a difference between a knight and a bishop?

Lichess Feedback - This is not a Puzzle Storm Puzzle at an early stage!#1

I did a Puzzle Storm right now which had this puzzle as puzzle 8 or 9: . And this was the second on my profile that I did. How is this possible? Even the Computer an…

Lichess Feedback - After solving and analyzing a puzzle app doesn't load next puzzle most of the time#3

Yes I do, sorry for not answering!

Lichess Feedback - After solving and analyzing a puzzle app doesn't load next puzzle most of the time#1

I usually use the app to solve chess puzzles. If I don't push the analyze option to further go through the game, the next puzzle loads. But if I want to go through more lines and/or through the game, …
