
Search "user:earlpurple"

259 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Is it okay two create two accounts?#14

Not discussing whether it's against ToS but the morality of creating new accounts purposely to "speed run", i.e. see how fast you can get the rating up. On I have seen them do this but the a…

Lichess Feedback - New time control options?#6

1 Most players seeking games don't use the lobby. 2. Lobby is not visible on android app (although you can see it on android going via the browser) 3. I also asked for this in regular arenas as they a…

Lichess Feedback - New time control options?#3

The time control I think would be useful to have added to the "Quick Pairings" is 10+2 because I think more people will pick that than 10+5. Some people do like the idea of increment so the endgame do…

General Chess Discussion - Castling is over-rated; occasionally useful#20

Interesting but if often happened to me in my OTB days that I would castle as black only for the opponents to throw everything forward and I would have to stave it all off defending. That didn't mean …

General Chess Discussion - All About Cheating - Part 2: The Psychology and Pathology of Cheaters#36

The day I "played above myself", was it 13 February, when I played a 7+2 rapid swiss, starting in round 2 so played 6/7 rounds. Every opponent was rated higher than myself yet I emerged with 4 wins 1 …

General Chess Discussion - Classical ruined my blitz need help#8

Players need to adjust to different time controls, and playing too much blitz can ruin your classical play, either because you're so used to bashing out moves quickly that you don't take time to analy…

General Chess Discussion - Rematches#14

@Toscani said in #12: > As players' skills improve, they tend to resign more readily from lost positions to save time. While some view resigning as part of chess etiquette, the temptation of a potenti…

General Chess Discussion - Rematches#13

They could add options of 2-game matches (or longer ones). I guess for bullet you could happily create a longer match, for blitz a bit shorter and for rapid 2 games would be enough. You'd then play al…

General Chess Discussion - My Submission for the Vihh_Sou Opening #chessDrama#21

I intend to write a blog on the subject. I cannot say if he was cheating or not. It is not enough to say "he can't have won doing that without cheating". Was anyone watching the games with engine anal…

General Chess Discussion - I need help, please; i'm suffering a lot#7

They would mark for any kind of external assistance during a game. Why do you think it's ok to use any kind of checker? Even having a written sheet of paper in front of you with your prepared lines wo…
