
Search "user:greysensei"

646 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - What Sicilian is best for club players?#11

I'd say learn the Alapin because that's the main line at club level :-)

General Chess Discussion - Loses again comes in waves. Is it me or something else?#11

Have you ever watched basketball? Watch a player do 3 point shots. Sometimes they get into a streak of 10 in a row, sometimes they miss 10 in a row. It's the same with chess when you're playing people…

General Chess Discussion - Books related to Positional & Stratic Play#5

Mastering Chess Strategy by Johan Hellsten

General Chess Discussion - Is it possible to force a sharp position against Caro-Kann?#15

2 Knights Panov Accelerated Panov Tal Variation Bayonet attack So many sharp lines vs the CK.

General Chess Discussion - Are we dealing with ranking deflation here?#10

Someone did an analysis of the rating of the Maia bots over time and detected that their rating did deflate.

Lichess Feedback - Ability to play a position without Kings#1

Hi, I have a student and I'd like to play a mini-game with him - Rook vs 5 pawns. No Kings: Unfortunately, I can't play out such…

General Chess Discussion - Most aesthetic checkmates & cool positions you had#13

I had an Underpromotion Tactic (intermediate move) to finish a lichess 4545 game, was voted game of the week. Probably my coolest game ever:

General Chess Discussion - Classical ruined my blitz need help#4

I recently was listening to chess dojo and David Preuss said that whenever his blitz goes up, his classical goes down and vice versa. It's been the same for me. Classical mindset - look for the best m…

Community Blog Discussions - 11 things I did to take my USCF rating from 1547 to 1976#34

@lampiopasa The woodpecker method is just repeating the same set of tactics puzzles over and over. I have collected about 10k puzzles (basic tactics - 2-3 movers) and made them into Anki cards and I t…

Community Blog Discussions - 11 things I did to take my USCF rating from 1547 to 1976#21

Yes they're mostly easy puzzles 2-3 movers from step 2 and step 3 (steps method) and some other basic tactics books. I try to do 200 per day. I don't really use the reviews ( I set it to 0) I just res…
