
Search "user:samarthachess"

20 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Why did players like jobava and anton karabov slip from the 2700 club?#1

Jobava was such a strong player now he is barley 2600. Aren't 2700s the best in business how can there rating go so down?

General Chess Discussion - Which is better? Stockfish 14 or Komodo Dragon 2#2

Stockfish is free, better but the new Komodo is a neural network based engine same for stockfish 14. Komodos developers claim there engine more 'human like' more detailed info here https://komodochess…

General Chess Discussion - My first OTB Tournament#9

and f your performance was 1050 you played strong players

General Chess Discussion - My first OTB Tournament#8

my best tournament and latest tournament is where i got my fide rating of 1011 and scored 5/9

General Chess Discussion - Announcing the Katara Bullet Championship 2021 with World Champion Magnus Carlsen#89

How is magnus allowed to do this? doesnt he have some contract with c24

General Chess Discussion - Should I buy the chessable life time courses?#18

@chummer ok sure I will let you know after a week how i felt about the course

General Chess Discussion - Should I buy the chessable life time courses?#14


General Chess Discussion - Should I buy the chessable life time courses?#13

@The_Human_Paradox I know all of these I am not such a big noob

General Chess Discussion - Should I buy the chessable life time courses?#10

@royalblue04 yep i guess i have to concentrate most in my middle games then i can improve my openings

General Chess Discussion - Should I buy the chessable life time courses?#9

ok thanks for the suggestions i wanted to play the najdorf for a long time but i knew it was a very sharp opening so i was kinda scared to play it and i think also in my level I think people barley kn…
