
πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ―πŸ― Royal chargers πŸ―πŸ―πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘

9 members

ENJOY CHESS LOVE IT AND PLAY IT IN A BEAUTIFUL MANNER be innocent like this little seal calm and kind to chess Chess is ming game not for fun

WE are royal 🐯 TIGER!!!

waiting for our time to strike and hunt down chess players with your mind to develop your intelligence

we are tigers wait for prey in a 🌾🌾🌾🌾bushes

''Life like a coward is like a death in vigorious pain'' so leave your shyness step forward to your success always remember A defeat is always the First step of success so join my team and lets be grandmasters in few years

And now I hope you all understood that life is something like a board game like JUMANJI but you know what there is a particular skill to rule your own life so live like a man fight like a man and think like a MAN be like a strong muscular πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ•΄πŸ•΄ And always remember a a chess player is no chess player with no chess skills And always pls make sure to share this team to your friends together we are helping not just you every people's chess career we can help everyone in chess and help them to suceed and they will help others lets spread this to all so this is me Rajeeth signing of .........