
Is flagging a legitamite strategy?

I'm fairly new to bullet but one thing I have noticed is some players move as quickly as possible or even pre move almost the entire game. I'm a little confused as to why - is this an actual primary strategy people employ in the hope of flagging? I mean it works pretty well on me but I'm pretty bad and slow.
in bullet you can get above a 2000 rating by just flagging and not playing so bad
Yea, flagging in bullet is standard. It's the entire point of bullet (as with any TCs with no increment IMO).
For buller player to play as to win on "normal" play you have to be really strong. and even then flagging is primary way to win.
No, it is not legitimate. When playing 1 minute games if your opponent is about to run out of time you should always see who is ahead and if you are not ahead you should do the sportsmanlike thing and resign. Or at least offer a draw. Bring some class to the game of chess.
#6: When playing Bullet, you aren't playing Chess; you're playing Chess with low time for each player. How's it sportsmanlike to hold back? Isn't it more respectful to play your best? Bring some class to Bullet and flag around!
@Shadow1414 said in #9:
> #6: When playing Bullet, you aren't playing Chess; you're playing Chess with low time for each player. How's it sportsmanlike to hold back? Isn't it more respectful to play your best? Bring some class to Bullet and flag around!

This one minute flagging business is making a mockery of the game of chess. The grand masters like Morphy and Steinitz would be rolling in their graves if they knew what was going on these days. Talk about dragging a noble game into the gutter. If you want to play your best put effort into playing good moves not this silly flagging business. How childish.

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