
Gentlemen's badge

TBH this doesn't make sense at all.

The only thing that could be done (and would make sense actually) is to have the option in the game selection process of playing two games instead of just one.
Yeah, one should run a match/rematch mode or server. Unless this happens the gentlemen agreement is one game. Demanding more than agreed isn't gentleman-like as well.

Sometimes I accept and sometimes I decline, which is rather the rule. If one plays a "nobrainer" lost position endlessly he rather meet aliens than playing a rematch.
I've had too many bad experiences with sore losers who couldn't cope with losing 2 games in a row. Therefore, I nowadays only agree to rematches if I know my opponent irl, or if he at least was nice in the chat during the first game.

However, I generally prefer playing against as many different opponents as possible anyway. Refuting the same bad opening over and over again isn't particularly interesting or fun.
I often signal player with bad attitudes. Just Now, a player losing badly left telling me the time I'll have to wait till the end of the game.

And I wonder... why can't we signal particularly nice people.

I just love when I play a game with someone who just says "Hi, where are you from". I don't care about people doing it or not, I'm here to play not to chat, but that just makes me feel good to see regularly nice people.

THAT would be an idea for a gentleman's badge, not that weird idea exposed by blueboot.
This doesn't make any sense. Players are under no circumstances obligated to play rematches. Closing.

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