
Lichess coaches

IM ExploringChess Lichess coach picture

IM Christian Braun

Improve your Chess with ExploringChess ;-) - FIDE Trainer

LocationAachen Germany
LanguagesDeutsch, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 245326082530
Hourly rate40€ = 60min
IM gravereaper Lichess coach picture

IM Christopher Noe

Gewinner glauben nicht an Zufall.

Location Germany
LanguagesDeutsch, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 253229212800
Hourly rate50 € pro Stunde
IM Pendlerschach Lichess coach picture

IM Martin Brüdigam

"Play - identify your weaknesses - work on them and improve - repeat." Have fun in the process!

LocationPotsdam/Berlin Germany
LanguagesDeutsch, English (US)
Hourly rateTraining: 40 €
IM Fighter89 Lichess coach picture

IM Atila Gajo Figura

Gerne ambitionierte Spieler oder Schachästhetiker; weise Erfahrungen sowohl mit Anfängern, als auch mit IM-Anwärtern vor.

LocationBerlin Germany
RatingFIDE: 237626972597
Hourly rate35€ pro Stunde. Bei drei Personen 50€/h und ab 4 oder mehr 60€/h.
WIM Olenahess Lichess coach picture

WIM Olena Hess

You will never win if you never begin!

Location Germany
LanguagesDeutsch, English (US), українська, русский язык
Hourly rate25€ pro Stunde
CM Magionator Lichess coach picture

CM Magnus Müller

Unlock your full potential with expert chess training!

Location Germany
LanguagesDeutsch, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 215025232311
Hourly rate20€ pro Stunde/ per hour
GM arkonada50 Lichess coach picture

GM Arkadij Rotstein

Deep understanding and the strategy of chess are the main points of my lessons.

Location Germany
Languagesрусский язык, Deutsch, українська, English (US)
Hourly rate50 Euro
FM Superfm1 Lichess coach picture

FM Veaceslav Cofmann

Ich trainiere Kinder und Erwachsene ab 5 Jahren

LocationKarlsruhe Germany
LanguagesDeutsch, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 2309271826292651
Hourly rate30€/60 Minuten, 60€/120 Minuten
GM LevGutman Lichess coach picture

GM Lev Gutman

1980 bis 1983 i was Second from Viktor Kortschnoi by Matches against Hübner, Portisch, Karpow and Kasparow.

LocationLingen Germany
Languagesрусский язык, Deutsch, English
RatingFIDE: 24052314
Hourly rate30,00 Euro
FM terrortoast Lichess coach picture

FM Enis Zuferi

If you wanna be a GM, you have to think like one...but first you need to think like a FM.

LocationHeilbronn Germany
LanguagesDeutsch, Shqip, English (US)
RatingFIDE: 240726562520
Hourly rate30€