
Play chess against yourself?

@Sarg0n That book is really good. I wonder if one can actually become good by playing countless games against itself (oh, Leela and Alphazero. But these are computers and we are humans, so it must be different)
If you play with yourself to much...The only chess you'll be playing is "blindfold chess"...or you might just need glasses, if you stop soon enough. :]
When I first learned chess, I played against myself regularly.

People in my era had no choice because there was no such thing as "the internet", much less internet-chess.

I would always cheat and make "my side" win by intentionally overlooking something that I was planning; but, then I realized that this was a waste of time and actually started trying to win for both sides.

This exercise, I believe, is what allowed me to play with the top level bullet at excite when internet chess was brand new.

With that said, this only encourages proficiency in calculation.

Fundamental evaluation is a whole different ball game that requires study and the 'standing-on-of-shoulders'.
Playing chess against yourself is also known as analysis.
It worked for AlphaZero and Leela, but it also works for humans.

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