
My opinion of the new rating system.

Its like my ratings go down by 50-100 poins every update, even pool ratings haha. The people in my old rating slot seem easy to play against too. Oh well once some time has passed i bet everything will readjust itself.
On a separate note I love the average opponent played against stat, when it only keeps track of non tournament and rated games that is. I hope they bring it back, it's sad they got rid of such a useful feature.
it really helps, it helps you know that somebody is not playing against weaker opponents only...
It just gets a bit hard to display as the Standard rating is going away. So there'd need to be 6 instances of Average Opponent Rating.
here is the idea: you can keep it selectable. just tick the rating type that you want to check instead of displaying them all at the same time. 2 worms for every rating type.. one of your rating and another or average rating of your opponents.

say if you want to check blitz rating only you can tick it and can check it instead of cluttered 12 worms you can have only 2. Is it possible?
About average opponent played against stat, which is useful, it could maybe be displayed under each stat on the left, in little typo and between brackets, instead of overwhelming the graph ?
Hi all! I am new here, only 20 or so games played. My rating here is above 1700, which I find quite surprising because my rating has never been above 1400. Also I find 1400-1500 players here quite easy to play and thats not the case on On the other hand I have made progress using tactics on where my rating has been elevated almost to 1800. My question now is: can I trust lichess about my rating? Is it true that I have improved my skills or its a mistake on the side of lichess?

Many thanks for your help in advance!
You should investigate how ratings work in the first place. 1400, 1700, 1800 are meaningless terms unless you have something to compare those ratings to.

You being 1700 is neither lichess' mistake, or you being over-rated. Also, 20 games is not enough to have a reliable rating.
200 games with opponents from 1200 to 2200 may give you a good idea of your rating with your deviation or RD.
Please, could we just have a simple rating system?
Most chess sites give different rating for each type of chess game e.g. Blitz, Standard, 960 etc ... reflecting the fact that some player are good at one type e.g. Blitz, but maybe poor at another type.
Add to this that some players only play one type of game, perhaps Standard, and a separate rating for each seems best. At least in my opinion :)

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