
Problem with this site

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In that case, make a new account, (if there is nothing much done in the old account). Or try downloading lichess and try.


I have an issue with playing a blitz game using Brave browser. When the game starts, the chessboard becomes extremely small and I can't resize it.
-> It only happens in my Brave browser, I tried with other browsers and it works perfectly well.
-> It only happens when a new game begins. Other options and features are working as expected.

Is it a known bug that is going to be corrected?
Can I do something in my end to keep my preferred browser and not to have to switch to chrome or edge?

Hi @Proboiz33

I understand that you mean right clicking on the screen. I do that and I don't find "Resize" option.
Can you be more specific?
In case you need it, my Brave version is 1.65.126 Chromium: 124.0.6367.118 (Build oficial) (64 bits)

Also the zoom is properly set to 100%

I can send you a snapshot or a short video of the problem if you tell me how, cause here I can't attach one.

hello @DamaRoja150, maybe try clicking on the right-hand side of the screen which @Proboiz33 said.
then click on zoom option and make it higher. (ik you said that it is 100. but try it once.)
if it doesnt work, then maybe try using chrome or edge as you likely said.
Hi @chesser8200 , thanks for helping. I don't really know the meaning of "clicking on the right-hand side", so I just tried everything... Left clicking different sides of the screen, also right clicking, and modifying the zoom, doing zoom-ins and zoom-outs. If I zoom-in the screen to have a decent chessboard, I need to get a 300%, which is not useful cause everything else is giant.

I know that I can avoid this problem, just switching from my favorite browser to Chrome, or maybe switching from my favorite chess program to but neither of this is a good decision for me.

Again, please allow me to send you a snapshot, or a video to better illustrate the problem. It is not a good plan to not to attend the Brave users community, and tell them to switch to a competitor.

Thanks in advance (

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