
The new tournament overlay while spectating is not good

@MangoJudas said in #1:
> I'm trying to spectate the candidates through the website (on phone), but it is a nightmare. A banner of the tournament linking to the stream covers the opening book, so I can't analyze the moves, and below there's no chat, and instead I can easy switch between games, but I don't care about that, I'd much rather see the chat. Surely it can't be right that the opening book is unavailable, is there some way to remove the overlay ("display.bin" img) as well as make it possible to see chat (again, this may be a phone browser only issue, but that's my preferred way of using lichess.
> Edit: and the overlay also covers the engine toggling option...
Is it only me being too stupid to enable the engine or is that different now? Didnt see where that is possible while spectating the Candidates today
@schlawg said in #10:
> The mobile issue was fixed yesterday but there has not yet been a deployment. I hope your enjoyment of the tournament doesn't suffer too much waiting another day.

It's back again..

Another thing, even when it was gone, the sheer clutter of stuff made it so I could only see one line from book when analyzing with an engine, which was also quite annoying and made it practically unusable for evaluating the lines.
The ad is back. You can't see the moves or use the engine analysis anymore. It completely kills the ability to follow games from phones. Pretty please let us remove the ad if it has to be there for some reason.
Sorry everyone. This was a deployment hiccup that allowed some old code to creep back in. We will kill it forever soon enough but must wait for today's Candidates to finish before deploying.
Is it possible when the ad is gone to have the book spread out from the engine lines? I want to see both book lines and engine lines and they overlap so I can't see both at the same time. I also ideally want to see the move notation below that.

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