

I am officially withdrawing my name from the atomic world championship 2023 Tournament. I would have played @catask had i decided not to withdraw but due to my personal experience in the house discord server chat with @chronatog and some other players, i have come to this decision of forfeiting the games against catask and the tournament itself. Hence catask is free to proceed to the next round.

I cannot go into detail about my experience in house server in this forum and for that reason i have published a blog detailing the unfairness, injustice and insults that were made towards me by the tournament director and his folks. For me proceeding further in the awc tournament after all that has happened to me would bring a shame to my honor.

The link to the detailed blog:
I demand explanations about why I can't play tournaments and why they kicked me out of the AWC..... if I imagine that my account was canceled I'm going to write directly to the lichess administrators because of your behavior..... my games always They have been legal, they can verify all the high-level rivals that I have defeated... I hope they solve the problem as soon as possible so that it does not escalate
@catask as your opponent has withdrawn, you have advanced. However, if he wishes to play games - play games with him. If he hasn't played a game with you by end of day October 1st, you will advance, per the above message.
@ATOZ47 said in #103:
> I am officially withdrawing my name from the atomic world championship 2023 Tournament. I would have played @catask had i decided not to withdraw but due to my personal experience in the house discord server chat with @chronatog and some other players, i have come to this decision of forfeiting the games against catask and the tournament itself. Hence catask is free to proceed to the next round.
> I cannot go into detail about my experience in house server in this forum and for that reason i have published a blog detailing the unfairness, injustice and insults that were made towards me by the tournament director and his folks. For me proceeding further in the awc tournament after all that has happened to me would bring a shame to my honor.
> The link to the detailed blog:

As i expected my blog was taken down within 3 hours of publishing it. I assume it was done by a moderator who is also from the house discord team. Anyway I have appealed and asked for detailed information for taking down my blog. The blog wasn't offensive, all it had was the truth. I will repost fresh once i get clarification from lichess else i will link the blog to an external site like Imgur.

I repeat again i am not going to play in the AWC 23 . And @catask is absolutely free to proceed to further rounds. I do not care if the tournament director rejects my forfeit like he did in the discord chat, I am not going to join back in the awc.

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